I love naffnang

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Je suis desole :(

不是不相信 是害怕失去

你的语气和表情 都和那天的我一模一样
 所以我不怪你 但请你相信我好吗?

和你在一起的那两天 真的好开心

听你说你的心事 我不会安慰人 只能紧紧地抱着你
你说我很温暖 你何尝不是呢?


Thursday, April 12, 2012

12 months ♥

Today is 12.4.2012.
It is our first anniversary.
We suppose at Penang now to celebrate it but due to the earthquake that happened in Penang, we canceled the plan.
So we hang out today.

I found out something that really pissed me off!
And i cried in front of him. fml. The very first time I cry in front of people, excepts my family.
He was like don't know what to do and just hug me in his arm,trying to calm me down.
I know it's not his fault. the girl confess to him, she miss him and sent him the sexy photos. wtf!
I just can't control my anger and I really feel so embarrassing just now.
He apologies and delete all the photos. 
He asked me to reply the girl.
I refuse to do so. shit. i should just warn the girl.
silly me.

I cried because i care about you.
Don't ever make me disappointed ok?
Don't let me see this again please.
I trust you.

 'Look at me. Look into my eyes.Don't cry again.You can only cry when i'm by your side.but you look cute when you're crying' and he gives me a kiss on my cheek. 
But these few words made me laugh.

Bitch. Please don't be the third person. I don't understand why there are 4 thousands friends in your friend lists and you choose my boy.
You don't even know who is he and what is his personality and you said you like him?
Please know that Karma do exists ok?

Behave yourself.
I don't like to curse people.
Don't force me.
